學年度 著作 著作人
110 不同學習風格在展示互動學習之研究-以臺中客家故事館為例 賴淑玲
110 不同學習風格在展示互動學習之研究-以臺中客家故事館為例 賴淑玲
109 「創意發想」應用於珠寶金工造形設計之研究 李豫芬
106 三維電腦繪圖輔助H形空心戒指設計之研究 周立倫
106 兩性對於台灣傳統節日文化數位化之使用意願研究-以中元節為例 賴淑玲
106 兩性對於台灣傳統節日文化數位化之使用意願研究-以中元節為例 賴淑玲
104 客家兒童館互動展示設計之研究 賴淑玲
104 客家兒童館互動展示設計之研究 賴淑玲
104 Pastoral Care in Education 賴淑玲
104 Pastoral Care in Education 賴淑玲
103 LED 服飾的設計與應用 賴淑玲
103 LED 服飾的設計與應用 賴淑玲
103 Research method and key design themes of a multifunctional jacket with optoelectronic effects. 賴淑玲
103 Research method and key design themes of a multifunctional jacket with optoelectronic effects. 賴淑玲
103 理感性語意應用對影音學習之成效 賴淑玲
103 理感性語意應用對影音學習之成效 賴淑玲
103 Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of a Multifunctional Jacket with Optoelectronic Effects 賴淑玲
103 Design, Fabrication and Evaluation of a Multifunctional Jacket with Optoelectronic Effects 賴淑玲
103 Study of visual evaluations for wood flooring applying fuzzy logic 陳文生
102 i-cuiture/《天堂‧審判‧重生 米開朗基羅:文藝復興巨匠再現》特展 李豫芬
102 i-culture/「丹麥大師芬尤百年經典展」 李豫芬
102 臺灣寺廟香灰釉的研究 周立倫
102 Applying the fuzzy theory and the KISS concept to furniture design - the case of the enjoy chair 陳文生
102 Design and Applications of LED Textiles 賴淑玲
102 Design and Applications of LED Textiles 賴淑玲
102 Design and applications of solar powered textiles. 賴淑玲
102 Design and applications of solar powered textiles. 賴淑玲
102 The principle and applications of colored solar cells. 賴淑玲
102 The principle and applications of colored solar cells. 賴淑玲
102 Characteristics and applications of luminous fibers. 賴淑玲
102 Characteristics and applications of luminous fibers. 賴淑玲
101 Syntheses, structures and DNA cleavage activity of NNO-tridentate Schiff base copper complexes. 賴淑玲
101 Syntheses, structures and DNA cleavage activity of NNO-tridentate Schiff base copper complexes. 賴淑玲
101 Design and applications of LED in Chinese knots 賴淑玲
101 Design and applications of LED in Chinese knots 賴淑玲
101 i-culture「藝‧觀品」台灣工藝之家創作聯展 李豫芬
101 以三維電腦繪圖輔助木結構複斜設計繪圖解決方案之研究 周立倫
101 i-culture/「藝‧觀品」台灣工藝之家創作聯展 李豫芬
101 i-culture 李豫芬
101 i-culture/Petit LOUVRE 小小羅浮宮展-種田陽平的美術世界 李豫芬
101 i-culture/林本源園邸文物史料常設展 李豫芬
100 (4Z)-4-((2,6-diisopropylphenylamino)(phenyl)methylene)-3-methyl-1-phenyl-1Hpyrazol-5(4H)-one 賴淑玲
100 (4Z)-4-((2,6-diisopropylphenylamino)(phenyl)methylene)-3-methyl-1-phenyl-1Hpyrazol-5(4H)-one 賴淑玲
100 A Cross-cultural study of student problem behaviors in middle schools. 賴淑玲
100 A Cross-cultural study of student problem behaviors in middle schools. 賴淑玲
099 不對稱雙側面花瓶的設計及製作-一個客製化電腦輔助陶藝產品設計製作的解決方案 周立倫
098 北港朝天宮陳玉峰「水陸法會21 幅彩畫」彩繪文物 陳文生
098 Measuring self-regulation in online and blended learning environments 賴淑玲
098 Measuring self-regulation in online and blended learning environments 賴淑玲
098 Could virtual learning communities of practice outpace tangible learning communities of practice in networked learning environments 賴淑玲
098 Could virtual learning communities of practice outpace tangible learning communities of practice in networked learning environments 賴淑玲
097 (µ-4Bromo-2-1{2- (dimethylamino) ethylimino}eth-ylphenolato) bis{ethylzinc(II)}. 賴淑玲
097 (µ-4Bromo-2-1{2- (dimethylamino) ethylimino}eth-ylphenolato) bis{ethylzinc(II)}. 賴淑玲
097 Preparation of polypeptide via living polymerization of Z-Lys-NCA initiated by platinum complexes, NSC95-2113-M-005-016-MY3 () 賴淑玲
097 Preparation of polypeptide via living polymerization of Z-Lys-NCA initiated by platinum complexes, NSC95-2113-M-005-016-MY3 () 賴淑玲
097 Bullying in Middle Schools: An Asian-Pacific Regional Study. 賴淑玲
097 Bullying in Middle Schools: An Asian-Pacific Regional Study. 賴淑玲
097 美國NCLB法案對教師素質的影響 賴淑玲
097 美國NCLB法案對教師素質的影響 賴淑玲
095 Ring-opening polymerization of lactide initiated by magnesium and zinc alkoxides 賴淑玲
095 Ring-opening polymerization of lactide initiated by magnesium and zinc alkoxides 賴淑玲
095 Computer usage and reading in elementary school: A cross-cultural study. , 34(1), 47-66. (EJ738165) 賴淑玲
095 Computer usage and reading in elementary school: A cross-cultural study. , 34(1), 47-66. (EJ738165) 賴淑玲
095 Students’ after school activities: TIMSS data analysis 賴淑玲
095 Students’ after school activities: TIMSS data analysis 賴淑玲
094 一項父母子女活動設計的跨文化研究 賴淑玲
094 一項父母子女活動設計的跨文化研究 賴淑玲
093 跨國性分析比較青少年電腦使用狀況之研究159-185. 賴淑玲
093 跨國性分析比較青少年電腦使用狀況之研究159-185. 賴淑玲
090 Controlling the Display of Animation for Better Understanding, Part 賴淑玲
090 Controlling the Display of Animation for Better Understanding, Part 賴淑玲
089 Influence of audio-visual presentations on learning abstract concept. 賴淑玲
089 Influence of audio-visual presentations on learning abstract concept. 賴淑玲
089 A cross-cultural study on high school students thoughts and attitudes toward achievement 賴淑玲
089 A cross-cultural study on high school students thoughts and attitudes toward achievement 賴淑玲
089 Increasing associative learning of abstract concepts through audiovisual redundancy. 賴淑玲
089 Increasing associative learning of abstract concepts through audiovisual redundancy. 賴淑玲
087 An action-research on a computer-aided instruction lesson using metaphor and analogies, 賴淑玲
087 An action-research on a computer-aided instruction lesson using metaphor and analogies, 賴淑玲
087 The effects of visual display on analogies using computer-based learning. 賴淑玲
087 The effects of visual display on analogies using computer-based learning. 賴淑玲
085 The effects of analogical graphics on students computer programming learning using computer based learning 賴淑玲
085 The effects of analogical graphics on students computer programming learning using computer based learning 賴淑玲
085 媒體教學策略相關研究之探討:以 ARCS 動機模式為架構 賴淑玲
085 媒體教學策略相關研究之探討:以 ARCS 動機模式為架構 賴淑玲
學年度 會議期間 著作 著作人
112 2024-04-18
Innovative teaching of traditional bamboo weaving applied to modern bamboo fiber art creation 李弘偉
111 2023-06-08
永恆的積累-蝴蝶結女孩 李豫芬
111 2023-06-08
回-Led Lamps 黃淑菡
111 2023-06-08
三相 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
三相 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
捨得 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
捨得 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
澗水藍 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
澗水藍 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
侘寂美學的室內設計元素探討以三重老屋翻新為例 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
侘寂美學的室內設計元素探討以三重老屋翻新為例 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
3D 環景技術在展覽空間之 AR 互動應用設計 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
3D 環景技術在展覽空間之 AR 互動應用設計 賴淑玲
111 2023-06-08
人本創新產業設計-以台灣竹產業為例 李弘偉
110 2022-05-29
消費者對於室內植栽的喜好度研究-以苔球產品為例 陳文生
108 2019-12-03
時間的痕跡Trace of Time 李豫芬
107 2018-08-14
‘Saving Taiwan’s Bamboo Product Manufacturing: Design Management and Trade and Industry Frameworks Versus a Cultural Industries Response’ 李弘偉
106 2017-06-25
歸屬情感應用於文創產品設計研究 陳文生
106 2017-12-15
設計師應有建立防水規範的省思以彈泥為例 莊憲頲
106 2017-04-10
Teachers’ Academic Interactions: A Cross-national Study, 賴淑玲
106 2017-04-10
Teachers’ Academic Interactions: A Cross-national Study, 賴淑玲
105 2016-10-24
‘Towards a new paradigm: Applying industrial design processes to the craft bamboo industry' 李弘偉
105 2016-10-26
‘Reviving Taiwan’s craft bamboo industry: Evaluating recent strategies to transform a heritage craft sector into a contemporary cultural industry' 李弘偉
103 2014-10-23
應用FAHP 於室內木質地板之消費者輔助 決策模式研究 陳文生
102 2013-10-24
木質地板視覺意象評價之探討 陳文生
102 2013-10-17
金匠劉坤輝金雕紋飾藝術之研究 李豫芬
101 2012-10-19
金匠劉坤輝金雕藝術之研究 李豫芬
100 2012-06-04
金匠劉坤輝金壺製作與金雕技法之研究 李豫芬
100 2011-02-24
幼兒家長對於戶外幼兒遊具設計認知研究 陳文生
探討台灣機車文化 陳文生

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